Have you ever wondered if you could become a master coach? In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by his colleague Emily Gibson. Together they have certified over 30 master…

Joining the mic with Dr. Paul for this episode of Live On Purpose Radio is Dr. Jordan Grumet. Having practiced primarily as a hospice doctor, Jordan has some unique perspectives on purpose, and a particular…

What if tapping into our inherent reservoir and energy of sincere CURIOSITY is the key to accessing the most profound levels of self awareness and introspection, interpersonal connection, and existential clarity? In this episode of…

Hope is the number one preventative factor for suicide – that means this episode of Live On Purpose Radio could save lives! Listen in as Dr. Paul Jenkins shares the psychology behind hope, and how…

Marilyn Rousseau is the founder of the Right to Learn Global Literacy Project. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with Marilyn about how her childhood in Haiti, combined with choices…

Dave Rosenberg is no stranger to adversity. After facing the prospect of combat during Desert Shield/Desert Storm, dealing with the impending loss of a previous company he owned (Delta V Communication), and the constant other…

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews James Alan Thompson, who completed a walk across America a few years ago. In the process he learned very powerfully how gratitude can change…

As a Certified Mindset and Manifestation Coach, Elizabeth Plancon empowers her clients to manifest in their lives the things they may have only dreamed of before. There is a power to mindset that allows us…

When we see others’ success in real estate, it can seem indistinguishable from magic. But magic is never magic to the magician. Principles determine all of life’s outcomes! It’s not magic, it’s not luck… it’s principles….

There are times when some of the most sublime messages are lost in the delivery. Occasionally the packaging can overwhelm or hide the gift. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul invites…

Dr. Paul Jenkins has done both. Here are six reasons he believes Positive Psychology wins: Circumstances really are neutral. Trauma is universal – so it can’t be a special case. Our brain is always evaluating….

You’ve heard it everywhere right? Just think positive! But that can be so dismissive and trite unless you understand what positivity actually is – and isn’t. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr….

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul shares two poems that he often uses in keynotes or trainings. Even though both of these poems were written decades ago, the relevance of each is obvious. https://media.blubrry.com/liveonpurpose/traffic.libsyn.com/liveonpurpose/570_mixdown.mp3Subscribe:…

Did you know there is a profound link between our money and our mind? In personal finance we need to develop an understanding of two important documents – the income statement and the balance sheet….

Did you know there is a profound link between our money and our mind? In personal finance we need to develop an understanding of two important documents – the income statement and the balance sheet….

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul has a lively conversation with Jaxon Smith. Coming from a background of sales, this inspiring young keynoter understands the connection between happiness and success. http://media.blubrry.com/liveonpurpose/traffic.libsyn.com/liveonpurpose/Jazon_Smith_mixdown1.mp3Subscribe:…

Joining Dr. Paul on Live on Purpose Radio is Shelly Coray, author of “Master Your Mindset: 9 Keys to Gain Control Over the Mess In Your Head” and the founder of The Winner’s Edge, a mental strength training program for youth. Shelly is here to bring us hope and a solution to creating a new reality.

Find out more on Shelly’s website JimmyandShelly.com.

In today’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by guest Danny Heinsohn. Danny is a brain tumor survivor that has mastered the art of adapting to turn great trials into great successes. Listen to Danny share his inspiring story and the lessons he learned from it about how to adapt to life’s challenges.

Find more information about Danny on his website at dannyheinsohn.com


Scott Wilhite is this week’s guest on Live On Purpose Radio. Scott has developed an app called “Feed Your Happy” that has systematized and gamified the art of being happy. In this episode Scott and Dr. Paul define the skills of happy living and discuss how to develop those skills. Learn more at ncourage.life or download the app here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul connects with Michel Poulaert. Michel is a professional speaker and leading influencer in positivity in France. Optimism and positivity are tools that work worldwide to create better living and greater success.

See the video of Michel speaking at the 2015 Convention Influence in Washington D.C. here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by the communication skills expert Pamela Jett! Dr. Paul and Pamela discuss how to create habits of happy living that make happiness more of an effortless achievement. Pamela also teaches how to handle snipers, or passive-aggressive verbal abuse.

Pamela’s website: jettct.com, www.pamelajett.com


In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by guest Marette Monson. Marette is an expert on Compassion Fatigue in both identification and treatment. Connect further with Marette via her website below:


In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by X Factor Australia sensation Emmanuel Kelly! Emmanuel has touched millions of  lives through his performances on the X Factor and through his inspiring life story of persevering through immense hardship and opposition. Listen in on this Live On Purpose exclusive interview with Emmanuel to hear more about his background and beliefs that have brought him to where he is today. Included below are links to Emmanuel’s original X Factor audition performance, as well as further ways to follow and connect with Emmanuel.

X Factor Audition: https://youtu.be/W86jlvrG54o

Emmanuel’s Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrEmmanuelkelly

Emmanuel’s Website: http://emmanuelkellyofficial.com/


In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by Steven Iwersen. Steven and Dr. Paul discuss how to recognize what is missing in your life or what needs to change, and how to change it to begin now to live a more fulfilling life. Steven informs listeners how to see and overcome the gap between their reality and their vision to empower them to reach their goals. Connect further with Steven on his website: www.steveniwersen.com

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Reed Criddle, director of choral activities at Utah Valley University and Conductor of the Wasatch Chorale. Reed has a special talent for helping others to realize their own talents and to help bring out of them skills and excellence that they would not normally have seen themselves. In this conversation Reed shares his experience as a choir director and discusses some of the principles and practices that have helped him become one of the most efficient, talented, and respected choir directors in the area.

Pegine Echevarria joins Dr. Paul in this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio to discuss how to better be the authentic you and to be feisty, fearless, focused, and have fun! This week introduces a special edition of Live On Purpose Radio also available in webcast. See the video recording of the interview along with the audio at youtube.com/liveonpurposetv/. Special thanks to ecamm.com for making this screen recording a possibility.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by guest Kimberly Giles. Kim is much sought after executive and life coach. In today’s episode Dr. Paul and Kim discuss a very important concept, one of the key principles to understand to fight depression-that your worth is fixed and infinite. Life is not so much a test as it is a classroom, where your value is unchangeable and your difficulties, failures, and shortcomings are for the purpose of helping you learn, that you may love deeper. Learn more about what Kim is doing and receive FREE content at her website claritypointcoaching.com.



This week Live On Purpose Radio hits the road and ends up in Washington DC at the National Speakers Association convention! In this episode dr. Paul brings you not one, but two inspiring guests – Linda Shively and Kevin Wright! Connect further with Linda and Kevin through their respective websites: lindashively.com & kevindwright.com

This week we bring a special episode to Live On Purpose Radio, courtesy of vocaldisorders.org. Dr. Paul was recently a guest on their show with host Susan Reagan to share about his experience with Spasmodic Dysphonia. In the episode Dr. Paul recounts his story of how he applied the principles of Pathological Positivity to overcome what can be a very crippling, chronic voice disorder. Whether it be a voice disorder, or any other type of hurdle, the principles highlighted in this episode will help empower those who apply them to pick up the unique package they’ve been dealt in life and proactively head towards a brighter and more prosperous life. Get access to the original show link here, and visit vocaldisorders.org and voicematters.net to find more information about our host and their mission.

Jeff Vanek is this week’s guest on Live On Purpose Radio. In this episode, Jeff and Dr. Paul discuss the principles of self-improvement and accomplishment. Learn how to grow taller, whether it be personally, financially, spiritually or otherwise, through the power of pathological positivity. Connect with Jeff at thinktaller.com or through email at grow@thinktaller.com

Kathy Loveless, professional speaker and consultant, is today’s guest on Live On Purpose Radio. Tune in to hear about which key principles can help you overcome any trial to continuously live a happy life on purpose. Connect with Kathy on her website at lovelessenterprises.com or via email: kathy@lovelessenterprises.com.

In this Episode of Live On Purpose Dr. Paul is joined by a truly inspiring and amazing guest – Ron Zeller. Over the years Ron has overcome seemingly insurmountable hurdles as he has made the choice to Live On Purpose rather than passively letting life roll by. Tune in to hear the genuine Ron Zeller and learn how you too can choose to be ageless.

In this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by the Happiness Expert, Hank Smith! In this pathologically positive episode you will learn of some priceless and practical habits you can implement that will bring more happiness into your life. Connect with Hank on social media, just search “Hank Smith”. Find him on Facebook here, or on Twitter here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul Jenkins is joined by professional mentor, author, and speaker Kris Barney. Tune in to hear Kris and Dr. Paul discuss the principles of prosperity and success that can empower anyone to make all things possible. Connect with Kris on her website here. Get access to the Allthingspossible.tv episode with Dr. Paul here.

In this powerful episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by professional speaker Chris Williams. In a sudden and tragic event not so many years ago, Chris’ life was unexpectedly turned upside down. Despite the magnitude of pain and trials he faced Chris chose a path of forgiveness and healing, inspiring countless others through his example. Tune in to hear more about Chris’ experience and how you too can ‘Let Go’ of the pains and roadblocks in your life to build a better and brighter future today. Visit Chris’ website here.  Watch the LDS Church’s video of Chris’ story here.

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Bruce Jackson. Join in on the conversation as Dr. Paul and Dr. Jackson discuss the key to finding and reaching your purpose. Gain a better understanding of how you can identify and conquer that ‘one thing’ that holds you back from reaching your purpose. Learn more about Dr. Bruce Jackson and connect with him on his website at theiahe.com. Check out Dr. Jackson’s book for more tools like these here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by the well-known and accomplished Dan Clark. Dan is a New York Times best selling author, professional motivator, and one of the world’s greatest speakers. Throughout his career Dan has built and lived the life he loves, on purpose, by teaching his listeners about the Art of Significance. He joins us today to share these same principles with you. Check out more about Dan on his website here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by Kirk and Kim Duncan. Kirk and Kim found themselves at the bottom of the pit, every area of their lives seemed to be failing. Finally something clicked for them and it all started changing-through Body Language. Now they live Epic lives and love it everyday! Tune in to see how you can share in the joy. Learn more about Kirk and Kim Duncan here as well as on their facebook page.


For this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio we have a special treat. A while back Dr. Paul and his lovely wife Vicki were guests on Dino Watt’s show, the Business of Marriage and were interviewed about how to create a successful marriage. Tune in to see how you might also find better ways to have a successful and fulfilling marriage. Click here to see the original show and listen to more of the Business of Marriage.

In this episode Dr. Paul interviews a likely very familiar voice. See if you recognize her voice as we learn about how to get direction in life from the queen of directions: Karen Jacobsen.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews award-winning TV broadcaster and personality Darin Adams. Darin is passionate about passion and gives a few pointers on how to discover and live passionately. For more from Darin, check out his book Lights, Camera, Passion.

Live On Purpose Radio with Dr. Paul welcomes Jeni Roper to today’s show. Jeni is an expert in wiggling and being positive about her cerebral palsy. Her Live On Purpose Radio message is that everyone is “divinely designed to be perfectly imperfect.”

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with author and speaker Leta Greene about her new book How to embrace your INNER Hotness. Leta talks with Dr. Paul about how image is more attitude than looks and how it applies to living on purpose.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with the happy Abby Stephens, who chose to “Rise and Walk” 18 years ago after an accident left her quadriplegic.  Abby and Dr. Paul discuss how positivity is a choice we are all faced with and give a great perspective on getting through life’s challenges.

Throughout time, the power of a positive attitude has been taught and emphasized as a prerequisite to success. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by bestselling author, Jon Gordon. Jon is the author of “The No Complaining Rule” as well as the international bestseller, “The Energy Bus.” In the midst of the barrage of negativity in our world, intentionally creating positive energy is a must for anyone who wants peace, success, and productivity. Several suggestions are given to create this effect in your life and to empower those around you; including the “thank you” walk, changing your thinking from “have to” to “get to”, and defining what it is that you love about your problem. A big part of living on purpose is choosing the positive – tell a positive story about your life!