Sometimes we beat ourselves up way too much in our role as parents. For this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Anna Dole, who is a Certified Positivity Practitioner and…

EksAyn Anderson joins Dr. Paul Jenkins for this episode of Live On Purpose Radio. As an eight-year-old boy, EksAyn watched his mom die.He knows what life was like before and after she died.He knows what…

Ben Pugh joins Dr. Paul for this episode of Live On Purpose Radio with some perspective around parenting. If you want to start being the parent of your dreams and start parenting with love and…

Does parenting burn-out steal the peace and joy of raising your children? In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul returns to his psychological roots. As a child and adolescent psychologist for the…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul welcomes a returning guest to the show who has been able to take his life circumstances and create powerful messages that elevate humanity. His latest…

Emily Wardrop joins Dr. Paul Jenkins to share her passion for helping moms realize their divine worth. Her podcast by the same title combines the principles of life coaching with the ways we often get…

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul shares some of his background in providing services to parents. Principles determine all of life’s outcomes – the same is true in parenting. Principle #1…

Marcia Nathai-Balkissoon joins Dr. Paul Jenkins for this episode of Live On Purpose Radio. Marcia shares her powerful story of experiencing the brain injury of her infant daughter, and the difficult path that she has…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with Nicole Carpenter, a popular blogger, author, and speaker. Nicole found herself in a dark place as a young mom that didn’t even make…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by the famous Child Whisperer. Guest Carol Tuttle is a nationally acclaimed author of several books and an expert in understanding and raising children.

In today’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with the Positive Mom, Elayna Fernandez. Finding herself alone with two young children in a new country, Elayna realized that she had a choice. She asked herself some powerfully positive questions that have changed her life. Now she helps others do the same thing as an author, keynote speaker, and guide to MOMpreneurs everywhere.

You may have already seen this image of Scott Mackintosh that went viral in the fall of 2013. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Scott and Becky, who share the story of this Utah Dad who donned short shorts in a creative and courageous move to teach a principle to his teenage daughter, and made a worldwide splash in the attempt. Get the story first hand here at Live On Purpose Radio. A powerful message to parents and teens alike.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul has a conversation with David who is 10 years old, and who has been successful in overcoming some fears.  David also shares some insights about respect and attitude that are far beyond his years.  What possibilities can you create in your own life as you hear this remarkable young man share his own experience with slaying the Goliaths in his life.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul shares the mic with LeeAnn Taylor, who is an author and film maker from Los Angeles and a mother of five.  LeeAnn’s story includes the remarkable experience she has had with three of her children being afflicted with Fragile X Syndrome which has left them severely disabled.  This experience, along with many others, has helped LeeAnn to discover a new definition for the word “perfection”.  Her story is sure to inspire and bring hope even in the darkest of times.  You can visit LeeAnn’s website at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, John and Amy Simmons share their inspiring story with Dr. Paul about adopting children from Russia.  John is the author of the book, “The Marvelous Journey Home“, which is based on their experience.  It is amazing to consider all we can learn from even the smallest people about the biggest principles in life.  Enjoy this conversation, and share it with other families!



In the previous epidode of Live On Purpose Radio, you heard Frank Abagnale tell his story from his own perspective. In this episode, Mr. Abagnale very graciously joins Dr. Paul for a discussion of some of the principles and morals that make his story inspiring. What Frank did as a notorious con-man 40 years ago gave him the power to catch people’s attention. What he has done since then can illuminate the principles that could bring some enormous power into your life if you are willing to be taught from his deep bank of experience. Please visit to learn more about what Frank is offering now to the world.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul takes on two six-year-olds. Noah and Anna share their cumulative dozen years of experience on a variety of topics in a very lively discussion with the shrink who expands your life. For those of you who can really relate to this show, please also visit the Parental Power blogsite.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews one of his own coaches, Colleen O’Donnell. Colleen is a very successful business owner and co-author of the book “Generous Kids“. Teaching kids the habit of giving on purpose is one way to change the world. Add power to your life by giving your time, talents, and treasure.

Facing fears is a daily part of Dr. Paul’s work.  Parents sometimes wonder how they can help their kids with this thing that is even difficult for them.  In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews Ken Baker, author of Brave Little Monster.  The discussion is centered around how to help kids, but the principles work for big people too.

Dr. Paul interviews clinical psychologist, Dr. Randy Hyde about the most important thing in the world – family. Dr. Hyde and Dr. Paul have both dedicated their careers to helping to strengthen families. Insights from clinical practice as well as life experience are shared, with practical advice specifically for parents. Dr. Hyde has recently completed a powerful program for helping families, especially families with teens called “Teen Miracle.” A special offer is presented exclusively for Live On Purpose listeners.

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, teenagers Josh, Bo, and Ryan talk with Dr. Paul about what teens wish their parents knew.

Dr. Paul interviews relationship expert and long time colleague Dr. Jason Adams about prioritizing relationships as a way to live on purpose.  Busy executives sometimes allow career to consume their time and energy at the expense of their family.  This episode of Live on Purpose gives some tools for rescuing and enhancing those key relationships.

You can contact Dr. Adams through his E-mail address at [email protected] or at

Dr. Paul and Police Sergeant Charlie Wakamatsu discuss risk and the three things to do with it as well as give advice about how to keep kids safe. They also give information about their NOVA Principles program. To learn more visit the website at or, if you live in Utah County, call Sgt. Wakamatsu at the Orem City Police Department. That phone number is (801)-229-7084.

Dr. Paul and Summer Morris dispel some common myths about self-esteem and give a principled approach for building it.

During the show Dr. Paul mentions a clip about Ben Underwood.  Click here to see the clip.