What if tapping into our inherent reservoir and energy of sincere CURIOSITY is the key to accessing the most profound levels of self awareness and introspection, interpersonal connection, and existential clarity? In this episode of…

In today’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by guest Danny Heinsohn. Danny is a brain tumor survivor that has mastered the art of adapting to turn great trials into great successes. Listen to Danny share his inspiring story and the lessons he learned from it about how to adapt to life’s challenges.

Find more information about Danny on his website at dannyheinsohn.com


Pegine Echevarria joins Dr. Paul in this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio to discuss how to better be the authentic you and to be feisty, fearless, focused, and have fun! This week introduces a special edition of Live On Purpose Radio also available in webcast. See the video recording of the interview along with the audio at youtube.com/liveonpurposetv/. Special thanks to ecamm.com for making this screen recording a possibility.

This week we bring a special episode to Live On Purpose Radio, courtesy of vocaldisorders.org. Dr. Paul was recently a guest on their show with host Susan Reagan to share about his experience with Spasmodic Dysphonia. In the episode Dr. Paul recounts his story of how he applied the principles of Pathological Positivity to overcome what can be a very crippling, chronic voice disorder. Whether it be a voice disorder, or any other type of hurdle, the principles highlighted in this episode will help empower those who apply them to pick up the unique package they’ve been dealt in life and proactively head towards a brighter and more prosperous life. Get access to the original show link here, and visit vocaldisorders.org and voicematters.net to find more information about our host and their mission.

Kathy Loveless, professional speaker and consultant, is today’s guest on Live On Purpose Radio. Tune in to hear about which key principles can help you overcome any trial to continuously live a happy life on purpose. Connect with Kathy on her website at lovelessenterprises.com or via email: [email protected].

Dr. Paul is joined by Mitch Seehusen, the incoming president of the local chapter of the National Speakers Association, on this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio. In this episode Mitch and Paul talk about some of the key principles that Mitch has identified through his professional experience working with many businesses and as a professional speaker over the years. Learn some of the key principles that will lead you to success and happiness through pathological positivity in today’s discussion with Mitch Seehusen. Contact Mitch at mitchseehusen.com


In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by the famous DJ Rob, Rob Ferre. Join in on this intriguing conversation as Rob and Dr. Paul talk about how you can team up with your competition for your own benefit. Learn how to create and expand abundance instead of starving success through hoarding and scarcity. Find more info about rob or book him for your next event at his website: life-of-the-party.com

In this episode of Life On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by the young and very successful Ty Bennett. Ty started a direct sales company with his brother in his early twenties which quickly grew to over $20 million in annual revenue while he was still in his twenties. He now reaches out through speaking to spread his success and teach people how the Power of Influence can help them build their message and business to become successful. Check out more about Ty here.

In today’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with positivity author Jon Gordon.  This is Jon’s second appearance on Live On Purpose Radio, the first being an interview in 2008 about his book The No Complaining Rule.  Today they discuss another of Jon’s books, The Positive Dog, and give some practical tips for how to be more positive.  Start today by taking the Positive Pledge.

Join Dr. Paul Jenkins as he interviews the author of Who Hijacked My Fairy Tale?  Comedian and motivational speaker Kelly Swanson explains how to live on purpose through three simple principles: see, believe, do.

Dr. Paul and Doug Nielsen talk about proven strategies for gaining control.  Doug’s book, Take Life By the Helm! explains how to live a courageous, adventurous and deliberate life.

Would you like to end the fear, anxiety and worry that interferes with your relationships and gets in the way of your success and joy?  My Anxiety Answer gives you the knowledge and power to end your fear, anxiety, and worry.  Dr. Paul interviews Nate Turley about overcoming anxiety.  Nate is an extreme sports enthusiast, yet was paralyzed with anxiety. He now eagerly shares his story of hope and empowerment over fear.  Visit My Anxiety Answer to learn more and to get a behind-the-scenes look at this episode.

Join Dr. Paul and Dian Thomas as they chat about a unique system of success to help you tip the scales in your favor.  Dian has served as national spokesperson for divisions of Kraft Foods, Procter & Gamble, Dow Chemical, and countless others.  She was also a regular on NBC’s Today Show and ABC’s Home Show.  Sharing her personal story of weight loss Dian explains her secret to success.  Check out her new book Tipping the Scales in Your Favor to learn more.

Portion Control


Dian's Refrigerator

Dian’s Refrigerator



Join Dr. Paul as he speaks with Blu Robinson and his wife, Marissa.  They discuss the inspirational story of the group Addict II Athlete.  Their mission “is to establish and maintain sobriety by promoting lifestyle changes through Erasing addiction and Replacing it with something of greater value.”  Blu and Marissa are very busy as their athletes organize and participate in athletic events all over Utah to both raise awareness of Addict II Athlete, but also to help the athletes overcome the addictions that they struggle with.  You can learn more about this incredible organization at their website or visit their facebook page here.  Don’t forget to watch this video that highlights a recent 5K.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Mike Akagi.  Mike is an elite athlete and co-author of the book “Secrets of the Fountain of Youth” with Mary Louise Zeller.  Mike and Mary Louise adhere to a philosophy that “aging” as we traditionally think of it is not necessary, and that through diet, mindset, and practice one can actually practice “youthing.”  Mike is also a top distributor for a company called Kyani (a proud sponsor of Live On Purpose Radio), and has found in Kyani’s products some of the keys to “youthing.”  Mike’s passion for what he does and the vehicle of Kyani is obvious in this high-energy episode.  To learn more about Kyani and its products, please visit http://liveonpurpose.mykyanilife.com.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. EJ Raven. Health and wellness are at the forefront of many people’s minds, yet all too often we defer some of the most important decisions about our health, happiness, and prosperity to others. Even the experts and professionals we bring onto our team are just members of the team. You are responsible for your own health and happiness. Take charge and live on purpose. You can learn more about Dr. Raven and his chiropractic practice at www.incredibledryou.com. During the show there was also mention of Paul Zane Pilzer and his books which you can find here as well.