The very best business comes from delighted clients and customers who then refer delightful new clients and customers. Verl Workman is the founder of Workman Success Systems where he helps real estate agents create amazing…

Live On Purpose Radio is all about saving and enriching our seven key relationships through proven principles of positive psychology. Five of those key relationships will fit on one hand – on the other hand…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul Jenkins is joined by Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife, a renowned expert in relationships, and particularly sexuality and intimacy. Often, the programming or traditional training we get…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by guest Marette Monson. Marette is an expert on Compassion Fatigue in both identification and treatment. Connect further with Marette via her website below:

Guest on this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio is Ron Porter. In this empowering episode Ron and Dr. Paul discuss the principles of success in leadership in the home. Learn how to find success and fulfillment in parenting even in the midst of hard times in this powerful conversation. Get more information about Ron and his business on his website at

Pegine Echevarria joins Dr. Paul in this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio to discuss how to better be the authentic you and to be feisty, fearless, focused, and have fun! This week introduces a special edition of Live On Purpose Radio also available in webcast. See the video recording of the interview along with the audio at Special thanks to for making this screen recording a possibility.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul reconnects with an old high school classmate, Jeff Olsen. Jeff endured a tragic car accident many years ago leaving him maimed and  his wife and youngest son dead. In that experience and in the moments following Jeff had some incredible experiences and took home several life-changing lessons that he shares here with you listeners. Learn more about Jeff and get access to his book at his website:

Many of the important steps we take in life involve a process with gatekeepers. Whether it’s getting to an important job interview, or simply needing help at customer service, having the skills to effectively influence your way through life’s gatekeepers is a valuable skill. Join the conversation as Dr. Paul and his guest EksAyn Anderson discuss how to develop these skills. Connect with and learn more about Eks on his website here.

For this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio we have a special treat. A while back Dr. Paul and his lovely wife Vicki were guests on Dino Watt’s show, the Business of Marriage and were interviewed about how to create a successful marriage. Tune in to see how you might also find better ways to have a successful and fulfilling marriage. Click here to see the original show and listen to more of the Business of Marriage.

Get to know the World’s Strictest Mom and President of the World Wide Organization for Women Nicholeen Peck in today’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio with Dr. Paul. Nicholeen is one of our more internationally known guests as she and her family starred in a BBC show featuring the world’s strictest parents. Nicholeen has also become the expert on teaching and applying principles of self-government. Listen carefully during the episode to get a promotional discount code for 20% off any of Nicholeen’s products on her site! You can also watch the BBC show episode featuring the Peck family here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by his good friend Dr. Matt Townsend. Usually a guest on Matt’s show, Dr. Paul turns the tables in this episode to pick the mind of a leading relationship expert. STARVED is an acronym to help couples get to the root of their communication difficulties. The “smoke” of conflict is usually based on the “fire” of these seven needs: Safety, Trust, Appreciation, Respect, Validation, Encouragement, and Dedication. You can get the book on Matt’s website:

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Russ Gaede. Dr. Russ is an author, speaker, and executive director of the Life Enhancement Center. Communication is key to establishing lasting and rewarding relationships. Enjoy insights from this relationship expert’s book by the same title.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dino Watt, founder of The Business of Marriage. There are basic principles that help businesses to succeed – those same principles can be applied to marriage. In this episode, Dino shares the three core principles that he has found to work in establishing a healthy foundation for marriage. Don’t miss this one if you are married, or ever planning to be married.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by James Cordova, elite presidential director with Visalus Sciences.  At the foundation of any success is networking – the real relationships that we form with real people.  People tend to get in their own way sometimes by withdrawing when they feel discouraged or stuck.  The solution to your problem, whatever that problem is, lies within a relationship.  Get out there and start connecting with people.  James can be reached through e-mail at [email protected] or through his website: