If you’re asking the question it’s really a good thing for you to be here – this could keep you out of trouble. Dr. Paul has done both and has a unique perspective to share…

A few episodes ago here at Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul talked about the Decimal Effect. This idea has to do with the way life tends to hand us ever increasing levels of complexity,…

Live On Purpose Radio is all about saving and enriching our seven key relationships through proven principles of positive psychology. Five of those key relationships will fit on one hand – on the other hand…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul shares five considerations that therapists or other mental health professionals should think about if they would like to do what Dr. Paul has done in…

You may already know that Dr. Paul helps coaches, therapists, and other servant leaders master powerful positive psychology models so they can have a greater impact with their clients and get paid well to do…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul shares how you can tell if someone is truly committed or not, including yourself, and exactly what to do if you are committed or if…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul Jenkins describes different levels of positivity ranging from being a consumer of positivity through becoming a Certified Positivity Practitioner. If this episode resonates with you,…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul shares a story in the style of spoonerisms (where you switch the sounds between words). What does this have to do with positivity? Well, listen…

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul Jenkins describes the five-part process by which people integrate principles into their lives. In the last stage we SHARE. You know you have internalized principles…