The very best business comes from delighted clients and customers who then refer delightful new clients and customers. Verl Workman is the founder of Workman Success Systems where he helps real estate agents create amazing…

The quality of your service or product matters little if your customer experience is causing friction. In his fresh and straightforward manner, David Avrin joins Dr. Paul on the mic for a frank discussion about…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews John Simmons, who is an author, businessman, and especially an adoption advocate. We don’t always get to help who we think or want to help, but the important thing is to do something. Catch John’s earlier appearance on our show as well, “The Marvelous Journey Home.”

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Lee Kralovec, ski butler extraordinare. Lee has discovered as a Ski Butler at Deer Valley Resort in Utah, that serving others is one of the keys to choosing joy in life. Lee has a gift to identify and provide for the little things, which turn out to be big things and bring enormous compensation to life. Enjoy this episode of serving on skis.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Dan Smith, who has committed a life of service through the Air Force as a flight surgeon and emergency physician.  While doing various assignments throughout the world, Dan and his lovely wife Anne have involved their family as well in serving the people in the areas where they have lived.  Enjoy this conversation with a true hero and example of the lovely people of our world.