In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by the famous Child Whisperer. Guest Carol Tuttle is a nationally acclaimed author of several books and an expert in understanding and raising children.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Chief Inspirational Officer Jacqueline Deschamps joins Dr. Paul to discuss how to instinctively be yourself. Learn how to simplify your search for success by applying these powerful principles. Connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn here.

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews Ken Gallacher, Author and Professional Speaker, about how to blow past the barrier of doubt. Ken shows listeners how to Live On Purpose by unlocking some of the keys to success. Join in on this episode to see how Passion, Ambition, and Meaning can propel you past all doubts, and maximize your success.

In this episode Dr. Paul interviews a likely very familiar voice. See if you recognize her voice as we learn about how to get direction in life from the queen of directions: Karen Jacobsen.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Jeanie Cisco-Meth as they discuss her book Bully Proofing You and how to deal with and overcome a variety of bullying.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with New York Times best-selling author Bridget Cook. Bridget is an excellent example of someone living on purpose that is helping others get out their stories of how they’ve lived on purpose through some of life’s toughest challenges. If you have a story that is ready to share feel free to sign up to come to one of Bridget’s retreats.


In today’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul meets with Elizabeth Smart. Elizabeth’s story made national news when she was rescued after nine months of captivity when she was abducted from her bedroom at age 14. You can get her story in her own words with her book, My Story.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews award-winning TV broadcaster and personality Darin Adams. Darin is passionate about passion and gives a few pointers on how to discover and live passionately. For more from Darin, check out his book Lights, Camera, Passion.

Live On Purpose Radio with Dr. Paul welcomes Jeni Roper to today’s show. Jeni is an expert in wiggling and being positive about her cerebral palsy. Her Live On Purpose Radio message is that everyone is “divinely designed to be perfectly imperfect.”

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with 8-time New York Times Best-selling author Don Yaeger. For years, Don’s career was as a sports writer and journalist interviewing some of today’s greatest athletic champions and coaches. Through those experiences, Don discovered what makes people truly great and discusses four key characteristics of greatness from his book Greatness: The 16 Characteristics of True Champions with Dr. Paul for the Live On Purpose Radio audience.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with author and speaker Leta Greene about her new book How to embrace your INNER Hotness. Leta talks with Dr. Paul about how image is more attitude than looks and how it applies to living on purpose.

In today’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with positivity author Jon Gordon.  This is Jon’s second appearance on Live On Purpose Radio, the first being an interview in 2008 about his book The No Complaining Rule.  Today they discuss another of Jon’s books, The Positive Dog, and give some practical tips for how to be more positive.  Start today by taking the Positive Pledge.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with the happy Abby Stephens, who chose to “Rise and Walk” 18 years ago after an accident left her quadriplegic.  Abby and Dr. Paul discuss how positivity is a choice we are all faced with and give a great perspective on getting through life’s challenges.

In today’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with the Positive Mom, Elayna Fernandez. Finding herself alone with two young children in a new country, Elayna realized that she had a choice. She asked herself some powerfully positive questions that have changed her life. Now she helps others do the same thing as an author, keynote speaker, and guide to MOMpreneurs everywhere.

In today’s episode, Dr. Paul is joined by Steve Bauter, an expert in helping people through employment transitions. Steve and Dr. Paul talk about the role that self-image plays in the job seeking process. For more information about what Steve is doing to help people transition through employment gaps, send him an email at [email protected].

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Kris Krohn. Kris has discovered and developed a turnkey system for creating an economic engine for funding your mission. Although the process and system is through real estate, Kris’ true passion is freedom. Learn more about Kris and his powerful economic engine that you too can access at Remember the key word “free” to get a free copy of Kris’ book, The Strait Path to Real Estate Wealth.

You may have already seen this image of Scott Mackintosh that went viral in the fall of 2013. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Scott and Becky, who share the story of this Utah Dad who donned short shorts in a creative and courageous move to teach a principle to his teenage daughter, and made a worldwide splash in the attempt. Get the story first hand here at Live On Purpose Radio. A powerful message to parents and teens alike.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by his good friend Dr. Matt Townsend. Usually a guest on Matt’s show, Dr. Paul turns the tables in this episode to pick the mind of a leading relationship expert. STARVED is an acronym to help couples get to the root of their communication difficulties. The “smoke” of conflict is usually based on the “fire” of these seven needs: Safety, Trust, Appreciation, Respect, Validation, Encouragement, and Dedication. You can get the book on Matt’s website:

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Russ Gaede. Dr. Russ is an author, speaker, and executive director of the Life Enhancement Center. Communication is key to establishing lasting and rewarding relationships. Enjoy insights from this relationship expert’s book by the same title.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with Amy Walker. Amy is a powerful business leader and consultant who trains in time management and balance. Powerful business leader and consultant? Yes. BECAUSE she understands that she has more important jobs as a person, wife, and mother. New possibilities to get past overwhelm and into true joy while succeeding at your most important jobs. Get connected with Amy and receive a free five week course in The Balancing Act at Amy Walker Consulting.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with Karen Eddington, author of the newly released book, Understanding Self Worth. In her energetic way, Karen describes the important difference between self worth and self esteem. Having studied the topic for over a decade, Karen has several helpful tips for feeling better about ourselves as we acknowledge our self worth without getting hung up on self esteem.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews Dr. Brandon Kelly, author of The Distinctive Watermark Principles. When life serves up challenges and obstacles, our success depends on applying correct principles and moving forward no matter what. Brandon shares how to face it, pace it, and ace it. Visit Brandon at and use the code “DrJ10” for a 10% break on his products and services just for Live On Purpose Radio listeners. Thank you Brandon!

In this show Dr. Paul sits down with Tom Dickson to talk about success, productivity, and positivity.  Check out Will it Blend? to see what Blendtec blenders can blend!

This week Dr. Paul hosts Bob Kittell, a motivational speaker and trainer.  Join them as they talk about hope and inspiration.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. EJ Raven.  Dr. Raven is a chiropractic physician who understands well the connection between positivity and physical health.  Learn more about Dr. Raven and his practice at

Clarity and focus take you more quickly to realizing your ideal LifeVision.  In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is once again joined by Ann Webb to power up your LifeVision.  Ann appeared on the show exactly three years ago, click here to listen.

Join Dr. Paul Jenkins as he interviews the author of Who Hijacked My Fairy Tale?  Comedian and motivational speaker Kelly Swanson explains how to live on purpose through three simple principles: see, believe, do.

Dr. Paul and Doug Nielsen talk about proven strategies for gaining control.  Doug’s book, Take Life By the Helm! explains how to live a courageous, adventurous and deliberate life.

In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing Matt Townsend and Dr. Paul talk about staying positive in a world of negativity.  You can tune in to to hear The Matt Townsend Show live Monday-Friday at 5:00PM (EST) on SiriusXM 143- BYU Radio or stream it live on BYU Radio’s website.

In this special episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is a first time guest on The Matt Townsend Show.  They discuss how to live your life on purpose.  You can tune in to to hear The Matt Townsend Show live Monday-Friday at 5:00PM (EST) on SiriusXM 143- BYU Radio or stream it live on BYU Radio’s website.

60,000+ likes on Facebook suggest that this daring young mom is on to something.  This episode of Live On Purpose Radio brings drops of awesome into your life.  Learn more about Kathryn Thompson at

In this special episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is a guest on The Matt Townsend Show.  You can tune in to to hear The Matt Townsend Show live Monday-Friday at 5:00PM (EST) on SiriusXM 143- BYU Radio or stream it live on BYU Radio’s website.

Mark Woodmansee shares the story of how he overcame the challenges in his life.  “Throw a fit!” he says.  Listen in to find out more.  Contact Mark at mwoodmansee513()

At the start of the new year Dr. Paul is joined by Mark Marrott.  Mark shares his story about the sudden and painful change he experienced that impacted every aspect of his life.  Mark shares with Dr. Paul the key to rising above the hurt though humor and heartfelt narrative.  Change hurts, but you will always have a choice of how to react.  To learn more you can contact Mark at mark.marrott()

Would you like to end the fear, anxiety and worry that interferes with your relationships and gets in the way of your success and joy?  My Anxiety Answer gives you the knowledge and power to end your fear, anxiety, and worry.  Dr. Paul interviews Nate Turley about overcoming anxiety.  Nate is an extreme sports enthusiast, yet was paralyzed with anxiety. He now eagerly shares his story of hope and empowerment over fear.  Visit My Anxiety Answer to learn more and to get a behind-the-scenes look at this episode.

Join Dr. Paul and Dian Thomas as they chat about a unique system of success to help you tip the scales in your favor.  Dian has served as national spokesperson for divisions of Kraft Foods, Procter & Gamble, Dow Chemical, and countless others.  She was also a regular on NBC’s Today Show and ABC’s Home Show.  Sharing her personal story of weight loss Dian explains her secret to success.  Check out her new book Tipping the Scales in Your Favor to learn more.

Portion Control


Dian's Refrigerator

Dian’s Refrigerator



Relationships to Riches Powered by Your Emotional Fingerprint.

Woody Woodward is back in the studio with Dr. Paul to talk more about your Emotional Fingerprint.  Woody brings powerful new ideas to this concept with passion and enthusiasm.   To learn more about his amazing ideas and to purchase some of his wonderful products, please visit his website at

Join Dr. Paul as he speaks with Blu Robinson and his wife, Marissa.  They discuss the inspirational story of the group Addict II Athlete.  Their mission “is to establish and maintain sobriety by promoting lifestyle changes through Erasing addiction and Replacing it with something of greater value.”  Blu and Marissa are very busy as their athletes organize and participate in athletic events all over Utah to both raise awareness of Addict II Athlete, but also to help the athletes overcome the addictions that they struggle with.  You can learn more about this incredible organization at their website or visit their facebook page here.  Don’t forget to watch this video that highlights a recent 5K.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul Jenkins is joined by Owen Ashton, who is an author, speaker, and CPA.  In the dog eat dog world of corporate America, Owen was often responsible for accounting for the bottom line of major companies and organizations.  His speaking, however is centered around promoting and taking care of mental health.  Having experienced serious clinical depression himself, Owen is uniquely qualified to talk about the impact that this has on individuals, families, and organizations.  He has also identified some of the principles and strategies that allow people to “rise above fog” and experience much more in life.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul Jenkins is joined by Dr. Vincent Kituku.  African water buffaloes are some of the most dangerous and feared beasts in all of Africa.  Originally from Kenya, Vincent now spends his time inspiring thousands to overcome the buffaloes in their own lives.  Enjoy this conversation with a truly inspiring man.  You can learn more about Vincent at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Mike Schlappi.  At the age of 15 Mike did get shot – he took a bullet at point blank range in the chest.  It clipped his lung, barely missed his heart, and lodged in his spine leaving him paralyzed permanently.  Mike’s experience is not that different from your own.  The subtitle for his book is, “I got shot, what’s your problem?”  This in no way minimizes your problem, just acknowledges that everybody has one.  Get a whole new perspective on attitude with this episode.


In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined once again by Connie Sokol, author of Motherhood Matters and Faithful Fit & Fabulous.  Connie drills right down on the three primary roles that we as parents fill with some very practical and energizing tips for keeping it all in balance.  This little book will make a fabulous gift for Mother’s Day!  Learn more about Connie and her books at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Will Terry. Will is a children’s book illustrator who discovered that he could bring his talents at a much higher level. This came from an experience with adversity that convinced Will he had to do more to provide for his family. Changing his thinking, and stretching to serve, have changed Will’s life. Learn more about Will and his story on his blog,

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Pete Adams, who is the author of a new book called “Visualfestation.”  Pete has discovered through multiple experiences in his own life how to implement the law of attraction in bringing about what he wants in life.  Listen in as Dr. Paul and Pete discuss some very basic starting points in manifesting exactly what you want in your life.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Craig Manning.  Dr. Manning is the author of a groundbreaking new book in the area of higher performance called “The Fearless Mind”.  Craig assists athletes, teams, and individuals as a mental strength coach.  In this episode, you will learn the five essential steps to higher performance, which apply to whatever contexts are relevant to you.  You can learn more about Craig and his services at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Tiffany Berg.  Tiffany has been a success coach for over a decade, and has recently been working as a hospital chaplain with end of life patients and their families.  This life change for Tiffany came as a result of her own husband being diagnosed with a terminal condition.  The context of facing mortality brings a lot of things into perspective.  Part of this conversation is focused on taking care of yourself and emotional intelligence.  You can learn to say “no” appropriately when you really begin to “know” yourself.  Don’t miss this episode especially if you are a care giver, or know someone who is.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Lee Kralovec, ski butler extraordinare. Lee has discovered as a Ski Butler at Deer Valley Resort in Utah, that serving others is one of the keys to choosing joy in life. Lee has a gift to identify and provide for the little things, which turn out to be big things and bring enormous compensation to life. Enjoy this episode of serving on skis.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Kelli Davis who is the author of Porcelain Soldier – Discovering Gratitude in Cancer.  At the age of 28, Kelli who was otherwise fit and healthy was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.  In this thought-provoking conversation, you get to meet someone who has truly taken life’s adversity and turned it into something powerful and inspiring.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Bill Seger, author of “Why Me? A Gay Man’s Struggle for Love and Family.”  Bill shares his experience in discovering that choice is the way out of a lifestyle that was not working for him.  At some point, Bill stopped beating himself up for something he was ashamed of and asked a new question – Why Not Me?  Bill is going to take some heat for suggesting that there is choice involved in the issue of homosexuality, but will also create new possibilities for others.  Learn more about Bill at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dino Watt, founder of The Business of Marriage. There are basic principles that help businesses to succeed – those same principles can be applied to marriage. In this episode, Dino shares the three core principles that he has found to work in establishing a healthy foundation for marriage. Don’t miss this one if you are married, or ever planning to be married.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Connie Sokol, author of Faithful, Fit, and Fabulous.  Connie is on a mission to assist women to Live On Purpose.  Her practical and energetic approach help to illuminate the principles to take on the improvements in your life that you have been meaning to do, and to do it in “chewable chunks”.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Rich Christiansen who is the author of Bootstrap Business and Zig Zag Principle.  Rich has founded or co-founded 32 businesses, 11 of which were ugly failures (and he is very proud of these failures), and 11 of which were multi-million dollar successes.  Rich has developed a strategy through all he has learned to assist entrepreneurs who want to start a small business.  Rich teaches that in business, as well as in life, the best course to your big goals involves a lot of zigs and zags.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Chad Hymas.  At the age of 27, Chad was crushed by a large bale of hay on his ranch, and broke three of the vertebrae in his neck, leaving him quadriplegic.  Since then, Chad has discovered a new freedom in his life as he has overcome the seemingly impossible to truly live on purpose.  In the concluding moments of this interview, Chad shares three keys to living on purpose –

  1. Change a habit
  2. Get out of your seat
  3. Give more than you take

See more of what this inspiring man has to offer at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by corporate change specialist and novelist, Janice Van Dyck.  Janice shares her experience about dealing with changes and negotiating though some of the changes of choice as well as those that are kind of thrust upon us.  Janice’s novel, Finding Frances, is a powerful exploration of a family dealing with the final change created by the death of their mother.  Use this conversation to examine your own changes and create new possibilities moving forward.  You might also enjoy this article Janice wrote for

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Harriet Cabelly, a life coach in New York.  Life’s challenges and adversity create opportunities to create something beautiful.  Learn to live life to the fullest despite, and sometimes because of, your challenges.  You can see more of what Harriet does through her website –

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Dan Smith, who has committed a life of service through the Air Force as a flight surgeon and emergency physician.  While doing various assignments throughout the world, Dan and his lovely wife Anne have involved their family as well in serving the people in the areas where they have lived.  Enjoy this conversation with a true hero and example of the lovely people of our world.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Janice Baker.  Janice had a dream many years ago as a college cello player of creating a concert of only cellos.  That dream has become a reality, as Janice will put these cellos on stage on March 26, 2011.  You will find that Janice’s process of realizing her dream is the same process that applies to you and your dream.  Prepare to be inspired to create your dream!  You can learn more about Janice and her cello dream at  The images here are of Janice when she first had the dream, and today.

Janice when she had the dreamJanice Baker

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul has a conversation with David who is 10 years old, and who has been successful in overcoming some fears.  David also shares some insights about respect and attitude that are far beyond his years.  What possibilities can you create in your own life as you hear this remarkable young man share his own experience with slaying the Goliaths in his life.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Ann Webb, a successful Lifevision expert. Ann shares her story of being a mother of five who found herself in economic dire straits. She then followed some simple, yet powerful advice about writing and recording your purpose and goals. You are only a few steps away from realizing your dreams. Bring Ann into your prosperity network through her websites, and

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Demitrius Siruno, a successful young entrepeneur.  Demitrius shares his experience with failure, with education, with networking, and with creating a firm belief that carries you forward to accomplish things you never before thought to be possible.  You won’t want to miss this episode!

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by author Haley Freeman.  Haley’s book, “A Future For Tomorrow” is an account of her own journey in recovering from Anorexia Nervosa.  Haley’s experience is a valuable look into the roots of eating disorders, with some powerful messages of hope to those who may be struggling with similar challenges, or to the parents and friends who provide an essential resource to them.  You can learn more or purchase Haley’s book through her website,

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Cameron L. Mosher.  Cam is a personal empowerment coach, trainer, and author who is passionate about assisting others to see their own limitations and to move beyond their fears to freedom.  His key message is that “I’m OK, I’m Just Not Finished Yet,” which is also the title of his book.  Cam truly believes that the impossible IS possible, as he provides powerful experiences to people through his ropes course and fire walk.  You can learn more about Dr. Cam Mosher and his programs or purchase his book through his website:

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Tim Esau, a management and business consultant. One of the topics in this interview is about feedback – the information we receive about ourselves from others. Feedback is neither positive nor negative, but is just information that can be useful to us in making course corrections. This is true in business, relationships, finances, and any other area of life.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by author Annette Lyon. Annette shares her story of the principles and the journey that she took to become a published author. Her latest novel, “Band of Sisters,” profiles a group of five women who form an uncommon bond of friendship as their husbands are deployed.  Annette’s story (her own) is an inspiring example of applying principles of success to follow your dreams.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Larry Gelwix.  Larry is the coach of the Highland Rugby Team, which was featured in the movie, “Forever Strong”.  Now in his 35th year of coaching the team, Larry has led the team to an amazing 401-9 record.  This is not a matter of luck or recruiting the top talent, but an application of principles that create success.  Coach Gelwix shares the foundations of this success along with five strategies that can be applied not only on the rugby field, but in all aspects of life.  Connecting with the Coach is best done through his business, Columbus Travel.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Greg Olsen. Greg is a very accomplished visual artist who specializes with inspirational images. The principles that have allowed Greg to be successful as an artist apply to any chosen field. Follow your passion, find and engage wise mentors and coaches, and get to work. Greg’s art is available through his website,

In Greg Olsen's Studio

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Michael Towns. Michael is a speaker, trainer, mentor, and business leader who shares his experience about how perspectives change your position, especially your perspectives on failure. Start to look differently at failure and you will start seeing more success in everything you do. Michael can be reached best by e-mail at [email protected].

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Jill Stevens Shepherd. At the ripe old age of 26, Jill has already served 8 years in the Utah Army National Guard, including a tour of duty as an Army Medic in Afghanistan, was Miss Utah 2007 and a finalist in the Miss America pageant in 2008. Jill is now an emergency room nurse, enjoys running, and has been married for about a year. Jill shares her experience along with the principles that remind us that “it’s all good” even through the hard experiences in life. Make sure you add Jill’s book by the same title to your inspirational reading list.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Mike Akagi.  Mike is an elite athlete and co-author of the book “Secrets of the Fountain of Youth” with Mary Louise Zeller.  Mike and Mary Louise adhere to a philosophy that “aging” as we traditionally think of it is not necessary, and that through diet, mindset, and practice one can actually practice “youthing.”  Mike is also a top distributor for a company called Kyani (a proud sponsor of Live On Purpose Radio), and has found in Kyani’s products some of the keys to “youthing.”  Mike’s passion for what he does and the vehicle of Kyani is obvious in this high-energy episode.  To learn more about Kyani and its products, please visit

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dale Jessee, a contemporary new age piano player and composer. Dale and Dr. Paul talk about ten principles that will help you to create and live the life you love.
-Pay the Price
-Perspiration (The right kind)
Visit Dale’s website to learn more about Dale and to order his CD’s and products.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Kirk Weisler is back in an archived reprise appropriate to the season. Please enjoy this classic from our top ten collection.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul shares the mic with LeeAnn Taylor, who is an author and film maker from Los Angeles and a mother of five.  LeeAnn’s story includes the remarkable experience she has had with three of her children being afflicted with Fragile X Syndrome which has left them severely disabled.  This experience, along with many others, has helped LeeAnn to discover a new definition for the word “perfection”.  Her story is sure to inspire and bring hope even in the darkest of times.  You can visit LeeAnn’s website at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with Jasin Leavitt, who shares his story of a severe automobile accident that he and his family experienced six years ago.  The accident left Jasin in a coma, and required a very lengthy and painful recovery.  Jasin’s message is clear as he encourages anyone facing adversity and difficulty to persist on purpose – no matter what.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews Blu Robinson.  Blu shares his experience of growing up in less-than-favorable circumstances, which would lead many to a life of dysfunction and unhappiness.  As a successful husband and father, Blu is a great example of how to rise above history and background to choose a more excellent way in life.  Blu has also chosen a career path to assist teens in overcoming similar challenges.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Clay Stevens, creator of “Residual Income” which is a game-style simulator for training the skills necessary for success in direct sales and network marketing.  Clay shares his experience and wisdom related to the principles of success, and reminds us that success happens on purpose.  Learn more about Clay and the services that his company provides at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Woody Woodward, author of “Millionaire Dropouts” and creator/producer of the inspiring movie “i-Ology”. Woody talks about the emotional fingerprint that everyone has – basically what makes you feel important. Understanding this emotional fingerprint helps you to move beyond the barriers and adversity that you face in life to be truly successful. Join Dr. Paul and Woody on July 29th at 6:30 p.m. in Sandy Utah –

You may remember my mentioning Woody Woodward before as the creator of the most inspiring movie of the last decade, “i-Ology”

You can preview or order the film here:
iology DVD

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. EJ Raven. Health and wellness are at the forefront of many people’s minds, yet all too often we defer some of the most important decisions about our health, happiness, and prosperity to others. Even the experts and professionals we bring onto our team are just members of the team. You are responsible for your own health and happiness. Take charge and live on purpose. You can learn more about Dr. Raven and his chiropractic practice at During the show there was also mention of Paul Zane Pilzer and his books which you can find here as well.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by James Cordova, elite presidential director with Visalus Sciences.  At the foundation of any success is networking – the real relationships that we form with real people.  People tend to get in their own way sometimes by withdrawing when they feel discouraged or stuck.  The solution to your problem, whatever that problem is, lies within a relationship.  Get out there and start connecting with people.  James can be reached through e-mail at [email protected] or through his website:

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews Danie Jolley.  Danie shares her personal story that includes teen pregnancy and various other challenges.  Despite life’s difficulties, there is always an opportunity to learn and improve – to have a do-over.  Danie is now happily married, is a successful associate with Isagenix, and spends her time with her family and empowering others to be successful.  For a quick bio and an introduction to her company, visit Danie’s website at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by Becky Bursell, regional vice president of Kyani.  Becky shares her experience in creating money and time freedom for her family through network marketing, a process that is available to anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort.  Dreams can be revived and realized with the right perspective.  Learn more about Becky and Kyani at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul gets a little personal financial workout from Rod Alan Richardson, Executive Vice President of a company called Residual Income Technologies. Rod shared three anchor wisdoms for business owners or entrepreneurs including:

1. Be in Business On Purpose
2. Think Like an Investor, Not a Parent
3. Be Market Driven

Take time to actually do the exercises that Rod takes Dr. Paul through in this episode – it will begin to make a real difference in your relationship with money. Please visit Rod’s website at for more resources.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Steve Farber.  Steve is the author of “The Radical Leap”, “The Radical Edge”, and more recently “Greater Than Yourself”.  Through more than two decades of leadership coaching and mentoring, Steve has dialed in on the powerful process of helping others to become greater than yourself.  Learn more about this inspiring project at, or visit Steve’s blogsite at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews Stephen M.R. Covey, author of “The Speed of Trust”.  Most people know that trust has a lot to do with their willingness to work with an individual or a company.  Stephen expertly illustrates the core elements that make up trust, and gives practical guidance on behaviors that can be learned and practiced to increase trust.  Mutual friends of Dr. Paul and Stephen, Ken and Vicki Dudley, are in studio to contribute to the conversation.  Learn more about Stephen and his work at

Mary Louise Zeller

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Mary Louise Zeller. Mary Louise is a 5th degree black belt and 8 time world champion in Taekwondo. At the age of 65, Master Zeller continues to coach and compete, and is preparing for the next olympics when others her age are cheering on their grandkids to do so. She is truly an example of living an ageless and limitless life. She and her husband, Ron (who will appear on a future episode of Live On Purpose Radio), host the Fenix event to teach others the art and mastery of transformation. Learn more about them at


In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Jon Gledhill and Jake Carlson, MBA/JD. Jake is the Major Gifts Counsel for the Boy Scouts of America National Foundation. Many families work hard to accumulate wealth to pass on as an inheritance, only to find that the wealth destroys the family. Jake has developed a process that helps families to create their family legacy through the initials IRS – Identify, Record, and Share. The books mentioned on the show are included here for quick access. You can contact Jake by e-mail at [email protected].


In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by George Wright, the creator of the youtube phenomenon “Will It Blend?”  George has become a thought leader in the industry of social media, marketing, and public relations.  See George in this cameo appearance – and enjoy the other Will It Blend videos at .

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Angela Ingo, the founder and mastermind behind “Imagine Cozy”.  Angela is a wizzard at redesigning space, and creating environments that are inviting and cozy.  The same kinds of principles apply in redesigning your life.  The added bonus today is learning the three basic principles of redesign, that will immediately impact your space.  Please visit Angela’s blog (soon to be an internet buzz) at  You will also find there before and after pictures of Dr. Paul’s bedroom!  Just another way to Live On Purpose.

Here is Dr. Paul’s room redesign!

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined in studio by Setema Gali. Setema played football with the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XXXVI. His positive energy and attitude have touched thousands. Setema and Dr. Paul share some personal experiences about facing their own giants and make a special offer for all of the listeners of this episode. Setema welcomes you to visit his facebook profile at  Regardless of your circumstances in life, choose to lift others – to give life no matter what.  Dr. Paul and Setema are offering a special deal through

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Brett Harward, author of The 5 Laws that Determine All of Life’s Outcomes.  Brett is a skilled teacher who powerfully articulates the elusive obvious.  The five laws will give you a perspective that you can apply immediately to improve your outcomes in business, relationships, and life. To learn more about Brett and his programs, visit

In this special episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul publishes a teleseminar called Facing Your Giants.  In this presentation, Dr. Paul shares four steps to restore your confidence in taking down the giants in your life including:

  1. Identify and Define the Giant
  2. Revive and Nurture Your Vision
  3. Gather Your Resources to Slay the Giant
  4. Transform Adversity Into Opportunity

A special offer to the attendees is mentioned at the end of the presentation through  The password for the offer is “fyg”.   If you picked up this podcast after the expiration date of the offer, please contact Dr. Paul at [email protected] for an alternative offer just for Live On Purpose Radio subscribers, and mention “Facing Your Giants” in the subject line.

Remember, nothing can be IN your way, unless you are already ON your way!

Dr. Paul and guest, Lori Richan

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul invites Lori Richan to join him in talking about a diagnosis that they both share, Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD). SD is a neurological voice disorder that causes spasms in the vocal folds. Through some self disclosure, today’s show illustrates again that your package in life just doesn’t matter all that much when you decide to Live On Purpose! Your life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be opened.

Dave Austin, Dr. Paul, Roger AnthonyIn this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by two world class speakers and trainers; Dave Austin and Roger Anthony. This episode is sure to become a favorite among Live On Purpose subscribers, as Dave and Roger bring their wit, powerful metaphors, and unmatched experience in helping people to transform life. Dave and Roger have also united to take flight with a project that will magnify the success of individuals and organizations – visit or call 805-910-5139 to learn more.

Depression may well be the most common health condition that affects people today. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined again by legacy coach, Darren Johansen, and Justin Boulter. Justin very willingly and boldly shares his own story with severe depression in his life. Powerful principles and paradigm shifts have been an important part of Justin’s healing. This episode is likely to be helpful in providing you with some tools to help that loved one of yours that comes to mind when you think about depression.


In the previous epidode of Live On Purpose Radio, you heard Frank Abagnale tell his story from his own perspective. In this episode, Mr. Abagnale very graciously joins Dr. Paul for a discussion of some of the principles and morals that make his story inspiring. What Frank did as a notorious con-man 40 years ago gave him the power to catch people’s attention. What he has done since then can illuminate the principles that could bring some enormous power into your life if you are willing to be taught from his deep bank of experience. Please visit to learn more about what Frank is offering now to the world.

Dr. Matthew Peterson is a specialist in pain medicine. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul and Dr. Peterson discuss pain. Pain is one of the strongest motivating factors in human experience. Dr. Peterson’s insights are immediately applicable to help you understand pain, and what you can do with it. There are many options. Pain has a purpose, and as you understand the purpose and mechanism of pain, you can begin to gain control over it. Dr. Paul, as usual, ties this discussion into more general applications for life and happiness. Dr. Peterson is in the process of developing additional resources through his website. (under construction – anticipated to be live January 2009)

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews magician, author, and inspirational speaker, Brad Barton.  Brad wrote a book called “Beyond Illusions”.  Interestingly enough, this book, written by a magician, is about not being deceived.  Brad shares some incredible insights that you will find immediately relevant to your life and relationships.

Blog with Brad

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Chad Brown and Gary Acevedo. Gary is the founder of Dream Makers Academy, and regularly coaches people to get out of their own way. By learning the principles of success and then the skills that are necessary to apply these principles, you bring power tools into your life which will help you to get there faster, and have lots more fun while you do. Gary sometimes teaches a skill in his workshops called “How to melt your favorite jerk”, which he shares in this episode. Learn more about Gary at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by returning guest, Summer Morris, LPC along with Mat Edvik.  Summer and Mat are both specialists who work with teenage girls, Mat as a math teacher in a residential treatment school, and Summer as a counselor and therapist.  The principles that govern esteem and self concept issues in teen girls are applicable to anyone.  Learn more about what Summer and Mat are doing at

The most common lament I hear in my psychology practice is this question.  In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul calls together the brain trust of Shaye Larsen (Idea Orbit), and Leslie Householder (The Jackrabbit Factor) to take on this question.  Some powerful take-home ideas are shared, along with a great opportunity to get more personally involved.

THRIVE! Summit – Click here for more information.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews Chip Romney. As a youth, Chip suffered a head injury that left him in a coma for 3 months and caused some permanent effects in his life. Chip shares his story, including his inspiring choice to take control of his life. He chose to stop being a “why-ner” and life his life on purpose. Chip acknowledges Art Berg as one of his heroes. Art’s book, “The Impossible Just Takes A Little Longer” is a great example of living on purpose. This show is dedicated to the memory of this great and inspiring mentor. Chip is available for speaking to groups and can be reached at [email protected].