This week Dr. Paul hosts Bob Kittell, a motivational speaker and trainer. Join them as they talk about hope and inspiration.
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This week Dr. Paul hosts Bob Kittell, a motivational speaker and trainer. Join them as they talk about hope and inspiration.
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Join Dr. Paul and Chris Miles as they discuss tips and tricks that will help you free up cash today. Create cash flow through the abundance perspective and break free from scarcity. If you want to learn more Chris has offered a free ebook that shares the principles and strategies of stewardship.
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In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. EJ Raven. Dr. Raven is a chiropractic physician who understands well the connection between positivity and physical health. Learn more about Dr. Raven and his practice at
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Clarity and focus take you more quickly to realizing your ideal LifeVision. In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is once again joined by Ann Webb to power up your LifeVision. Ann appeared on the show exactly three years ago, click here to listen.
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Join Dr. Paul Jenkins as he interviews the author of Who Hijacked My Fairy Tale? Comedian and motivational speaker Kelly Swanson explains how to live on purpose through three simple principles: see, believe, do.
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Dr. Paul and Doug Nielsen talk about proven strategies for gaining control. Doug’s book, Take Life By the Helm! explains how to live a courageous, adventurous and deliberate life.
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In this special episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is a first time guest on The Matt Townsend Show. They discuss how to live your life on purpose. You can tune in to to hear The Matt Townsend Show live Monday-Friday at 5:00PM (EST) on SiriusXM 143- BYU Radio or stream it live on BYU Radio’s website.
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60,000+ likes on Facebook suggest that this daring young mom is on to something. This episode of Live On Purpose Radio brings drops of awesome into your life. Learn more about Kathryn Thompson at
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In this special episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is a guest on The Matt Townsend Show. You can tune in to to hear The Matt Townsend Show live Monday-Friday at 5:00PM (EST) on SiriusXM 143- BYU Radio or stream it live on BYU Radio’s website.
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Mark Woodmansee shares the story of how he overcame the challenges in his life. “Throw a fit!” he says. Listen in to find out more. Contact Mark at mwoodmansee513()
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At the start of the new year Dr. Paul is joined by Mark Marrott. Mark shares his story about the sudden and painful change he experienced that impacted every aspect of his life. Mark shares with Dr. Paul the key to rising above the hurt though humor and heartfelt narrative. Change hurts, but you will always have a choice of how to react. To learn more you can contact Mark at mark.marrott()
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Shanae Branham joins Dr. Paul in studio to chat about success. Shanae is a Techno-Thriller author who talks about her triumphant and inspiring story. She learned to “can the can’t” in order to overcome obstacles in the way of her dream to become a successful author. Prepare to be inspired with this dynamic episode of Live On Purpose Radio. To learn more about Shanae’s new book DiSemblance, visit
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Would you like to end the fear, anxiety and worry that interferes with your relationships and gets in the way of your success and joy? My Anxiety Answer gives you the knowledge and power to end your fear, anxiety, and worry. Dr. Paul interviews Nate Turley about overcoming anxiety. Nate is an extreme sports enthusiast, yet was paralyzed with anxiety. He now eagerly shares his story of hope and empowerment over fear. Visit My Anxiety Answer to learn more and to get a behind-the-scenes look at this episode.
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Join Dr. Paul and Dian Thomas as they chat about a unique system of success to help you tip the scales in your favor. Dian has served as national spokesperson for divisions of Kraft Foods, Procter & Gamble, Dow Chemical, and countless others. She was also a regular on NBC’s Today Show and ABC’s Home Show. Sharing her personal story of weight loss Dian explains her secret to success. Check out her new book Tipping the Scales in Your Favor to learn more.
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Relationships to Riches Powered by Your Emotional Fingerprint.
Woody Woodward is back in the studio with Dr. Paul to talk more about your Emotional Fingerprint. Woody brings powerful new ideas to this concept with passion and enthusiasm. To learn more about his amazing ideas and to purchase some of his wonderful products, please visit his website at
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Join Dr. Paul as he speaks with Blu Robinson and his wife, Marissa. They discuss the inspirational story of the group Addict II Athlete. Their mission “is to establish and maintain sobriety by promoting lifestyle changes through Erasing addiction and Replacing it with something of greater value.” Blu and Marissa are very busy as their athletes organize and participate in athletic events all over Utah to both raise awareness of Addict II Athlete, but also to help the athletes overcome the addictions that they struggle with. You can learn more about this incredible organization at their website or visit their facebook page here. Don’t forget to watch this video that highlights a recent 5K.
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In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul Jenkins is joined by Owen Ashton, who is an author, speaker, and CPA. In the dog eat dog world of corporate America, Owen was often responsible for accounting for the bottom line of major companies and organizations. His speaking, however is centered around promoting and taking care of mental health. Having experienced serious clinical depression himself, Owen is uniquely qualified to talk about the impact that this has on individuals, families, and organizations. He has also identified some of the principles and strategies that allow people to “rise above fog” and experience much more in life.
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In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Mike Schlappi. At the age of 15 Mike did get shot – he took a bullet at point blank range in the chest. It clipped his lung, barely missed his heart, and lodged in his spine leaving him paralyzed permanently. Mike’s experience is not that different from your own. The subtitle for his book is, “I got shot, what’s your problem?” This in no way minimizes your problem, just acknowledges that everybody has one. Get a whole new perspective on attitude with this episode.
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In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Connie Sokol, author of Faithful, Fit, and Fabulous. Connie is on a mission to assist women to Live On Purpose. Her practical and energetic approach help to illuminate the principles to take on the improvements in your life that you have been meaning to do, and to do it in “chewable chunks”.
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In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Chad Hymas. At the age of 27, Chad was crushed by a large bale of hay on his ranch, and broke three of the vertebrae in his neck, leaving him quadriplegic. Since then, Chad has discovered a new freedom in his life as he has overcome the seemingly impossible to truly live on purpose. In the concluding moments of this interview, Chad shares three keys to living on purpose –
See more of what this inspiring man has to offer at
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In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Tim Esau, a management and business consultant. One of the topics in this interview is about feedback – the information we receive about ourselves from others. Feedback is neither positive nor negative, but is just information that can be useful to us in making course corrections. This is true in business, relationships, finances, and any other area of life.
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