The very best business comes from delighted clients and customers who then refer delightful new clients and customers. Verl Workman is the founder of Workman Success Systems where he helps real estate agents create amazing…

Returning to the Live On Purpose Radio mic today is Bart Merrell, who helps us to see how we can actually monetize something we already know or do. The last time Bart was on the…

For this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by The Change Energizer himself – Scott Carley. Some highlights from this conversation… 1. You have a Trust Credit Score and it’s based…

In a recent conversation with a young adult client, Dr. Paul heard from this young man, “I just want to make sure I have security.” Really? Where would you be if you achieved “Maximum Security?”…

For this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with author, speaker, and professional counselor Jordan Meyer. Drawing from personal encounters with adversity and triumph, Jordan illuminates the path to resilience, hope, and…

Have you ever wondered if you could become a master coach? In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by his colleague Emily Gibson. Together they have certified over 30 master…

For this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined on the mic by Dr. Adam Dorsay, who helps us unleash the power of the 4 types of connection. As a professional psychologist…

For this Thanksgiving episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul invites his coach, mentor, and friend Michelle Villalobos back to the Live On Purpose mic. Michelle believes that self inspired leadership is what motivates…

Brad David Ball joins Dr. Paul Jenkins for this episode of Live On Purpose Radio. As an international sales expert, Brad has been able to isolate and define the formulas that allow anyone from global…

Returning to the Live On Purpose Radio mic today is author and speaker, Becky Kemp. In this conversation with Dr. Paul, Becky powers up what we were introduced to back in May of 2023 when…

DeAnna Flusche’ is a certified master coach and positivity practitioner. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, DeAnna shares her experience in business and sales combined with what she knows as a master coach…

Marilyn Rousseau is the founder of the Right to Learn Global Literacy Project. In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with Marilyn about how her childhood in Haiti, combined with choices…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Craig Manning.  Dr. Manning is the author of a groundbreaking book in the area of higher performance called “The Fearless Mind”. …

Hugh Massie, a behavioral solutions architect, joins Dr. Paul Jenkins for this episode of Live On Purpose Radio. Achieving a quantum leap in your life and business starts with a profound understanding of your purpose,…

The most common lament I hear in my psychology practice is this question.  In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul calls together the brain trust of Shaye Larsen (Idea Orbit), and Leslie…

Susan Friedman, CSP, has decades of experience helping authors get their book published, and sold. It’s this marketing piece that usually trips up non-fiction writers, and it all comes down to mindset. Take advantage of…

A few episodes ago here at Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul talked about the Decimal Effect. This idea has to do with the way life tends to hand us ever increasing levels of complexity,…

Notice that you have challenges. Notice that when you overcome those challenges, new challenges show up. The new challenges only seem challenging because they are bigger than what we had before. Listen in to this…

Living big is a mindset. When we Live Big, we create an exciting and fulfilling life. We live boldly. We live with love as the driver. We become aligned with our true purpose. We live without…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul visits with Ernie Harker (ErnBurn) about a conversation the two of them had in the Nashville airport. As creators, we get to experience discontent –…

As a Certified Mindset and Manifestation Coach, Elizabeth Plancon empowers her clients to manifest in their lives the things they may have only dreamed of before. There is a power to mindset that allows us…

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by John Briggs, author of the 3.3 Rule. John is a man on a mission to give entrepreneurs a new workday standard so…

When we see others’ success in real estate, it can seem indistinguishable from magic. But magic is never magic to the magician. Principles determine all of life’s outcomes! It’s not magic, it’s not luck… it’s principles….

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul shares five considerations that therapists or other mental health professionals should think about if they would like to do what Dr. Paul has done in…

Nate Woodbury is a YouTube producer, speaker, and author. This is the guy who partnered with Dr. Paul back in 2017 to launch Live On Purpose TV on YouTube. The principles behind influence are consistent,…

EksAyn Anderson joins Dr. Paul Jenkins for this episode of Live On Purpose Radio. As an eight-year-old boy, EksAyn watched his mom die.He knows what life was like before and after she died.He knows what…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul spends some choice time with Jasmine Romaine, who supports entrepreneurs and leaders to use their voice and tell their story with clarity and confidence so…

Meg Johnson joins Dr. Paul Jenkins for this episode of Live On Purpose Radio. Meg was left quadriplegic as a young adult when she accidentally jumped off a cliff. With such a devastating life experience,…

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul Jenkins presents three options for how we approach our goals or intentions. Stalk about is when we secretly stalk our desired outcomes – we see…

Jeremy Ryan Slate is the host of the Create Your Own Life Podcast, which studies the highest performers in the world.  He studied literature at Oxford University, as well as holding a Master’s in Early…

Did you know there is a profound link between our money and our mind? In personal finance we need to develop an understanding of two important documents – the income statement and the balance sheet….

Did you know there is a profound link between our money and our mind? In personal finance we need to develop an understanding of two important documents – the income statement and the balance sheet….

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul Jenkins describes the five-part process by which people integrate principles into their lives. In the last stage we SHARE. You know you have internalized principles…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul shares a favorite archive episode with Cevin Ormond, best selling author and leadership expert. In this incredible episode Cevin shares his experience and knowledge to unlock…

Author, speaker, and success coach Jacynth Ivey joins Dr. Paul for this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, where she shares her seven strategies for stepping into successful living. Apple Podcasts | Spotify |…

Preston Pugmire is Dr. Paul‘s guest on this episode of Live On Purpose Radio. As a performer, musician, speaker, and coach; Preston shares his experience with a perfect process to expand your comfort zone.…

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul has a lively conversation with Jaxon Smith. Coming from a background of sales, this inspiring young keynoter understands the connection between happiness and success.…

Joining Dr. Paul on Live on Purpose Radio is Shelly Coray, author of “Master Your Mindset: 9 Keys to Gain Control Over the Mess In Your Head” and the founder of The Winner’s Edge, a mental strength training program for youth. Shelly is here to bring us hope and a solution to creating a new reality.

Find out more on Shelly’s website

In today’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by guest Danny Heinsohn. Danny is a brain tumor survivor that has mastered the art of adapting to turn great trials into great successes. Listen to Danny share his inspiring story and the lessons he learned from it about how to adapt to life’s challenges.

Find more information about Danny on his website at


Scott Wilhite is this week’s guest on Live On Purpose Radio. Scott has developed an app called “Feed Your Happy” that has systematized and gamified the art of being happy. In this episode Scott and Dr. Paul define the skills of happy living and discuss how to develop those skills. Learn more at or download the app here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Rod Richardson. Rod is a very successful and influential world-wide leader of doTerra. In this episode Rod shares his experience of how he applied powerful principles and focus in his career that led to his success. You can connect wiht Rod via email at:  [email protected]

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul connects with Michel Poulaert. Michel is a professional speaker and leading influencer in positivity in France. Optimism and positivity are tools that work worldwide to create better living and greater success.

See the video of Michel speaking at the 2015 Convention Influence in Washington D.C. here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by professional singer, performer, author, and speaker Eric Dodge. Eric shares about his journey to becoming a professional singer and how unique events and people in his life helped him face his fears to find an unknown talent and passion. As a special treat to Live On Purpose Radio listeners, Eric shares one of his greatest hits, “Why Not Today.” Don’t wait until later to find happiness, seize the moment NOW and start chasing your dreams today!

Find more about Eric and his music at his website

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by X Factor Australia sensation Emmanuel Kelly! Emmanuel has touched millions of  lives through his performances on the X Factor and through his inspiring life story of persevering through immense hardship and opposition. Listen in on this Live On Purpose exclusive interview with Emmanuel to hear more about his background and beliefs that have brought him to where he is today. Included below are links to Emmanuel’s original X Factor audition performance, as well as further ways to follow and connect with Emmanuel.

X Factor Audition:

Emmanuel’s Youtube Channel:

Emmanuel’s Website:


In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by Steven Iwersen. Steven and Dr. Paul discuss how to recognize what is missing in your life or what needs to change, and how to change it to begin now to live a more fulfilling life. Steven informs listeners how to see and overcome the gap between their reality and their vision to empower them to reach their goals. Connect further with Steven on his website:

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Reed Criddle, director of choral activities at Utah Valley University and Conductor of the Wasatch Chorale. Reed has a special talent for helping others to realize their own talents and to help bring out of them skills and excellence that they would not normally have seen themselves. In this conversation Reed shares his experience as a choir director and discusses some of the principles and practices that have helped him become one of the most efficient, talented, and respected choir directors in the area.

Pegine Echevarria joins Dr. Paul in this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio to discuss how to better be the authentic you and to be feisty, fearless, focused, and have fun! This week introduces a special edition of Live On Purpose Radio also available in webcast. See the video recording of the interview along with the audio at Special thanks to for making this screen recording a possibility.

This week we bring a special episode to Live On Purpose Radio, courtesy of Dr. Paul was recently a guest on their show with host Susan Reagan to share about his experience with Spasmodic Dysphonia. In the episode Dr. Paul recounts his story of how he applied the principles of Pathological Positivity to overcome what can be a very crippling, chronic voice disorder. Whether it be a voice disorder, or any other type of hurdle, the principles highlighted in this episode will help empower those who apply them to pick up the unique package they’ve been dealt in life and proactively head towards a brighter and more prosperous life. Get access to the original show link here, and visit and to find more information about our host and their mission.

Kathy Loveless, professional speaker and consultant, is today’s guest on Live On Purpose Radio. Tune in to hear about which key principles can help you overcome any trial to continuously live a happy life on purpose. Connect with Kathy on her website at or via email: [email protected].

In this Episode of Live On Purpose Dr. Paul is joined by a truly inspiring and amazing guest – Ron Zeller. Over the years Ron has overcome seemingly insurmountable hurdles as he has made the choice to Live On Purpose rather than passively letting life roll by. Tune in to hear the genuine Ron Zeller and learn how you too can choose to be ageless.

Dr. Paul is joined by Mitch Seehusen, the incoming president of the local chapter of the National Speakers Association, on this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio. In this episode Mitch and Paul talk about some of the key principles that Mitch has identified through his professional experience working with many businesses and as a professional speaker over the years. Learn some of the key principles that will lead you to success and happiness through pathological positivity in today’s discussion with Mitch Seehusen. Contact Mitch at


In this week’s epic episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by an incredible and inspiring guest, Carol Masheter. Carol has accomplished a breathtaking amount of incredible feats including one she shares about here on the show and in her book, No Magic Helicopter – An Aging Amazon’s Climb of Everest, as she became the oldest woman in American history to summit Mt. Everest. Don’t miss the incredible lessons Carol has to share of how to set your sights high and overcome any mountain you set your sights on. Learn more about Carol and her other adventures on her website at

We’re back with another exciting episode of Live On Purpose Radio with another phenomenal guest. Robert Ferrell joins Dr. Paul in today’s episode to talk about how to recognize and become effective mentors. Learn through Robert’s incredible experiences the power that compassion will have in your life as well as in others as you strive to change for the better.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Dr. Paul is joined by Cevin Ormond, best selling author and leadership expert. In this incredible episode Cevin shares his experience and knowledge to unlock the key to being successful and taking charge of your life. Connect personally with the master of self-leadership or book Cevin to speak at your next event at his website:

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by the famous DJ Rob, Rob Ferre. Join in on this intriguing conversation as Rob and Dr. Paul talk about how you can team up with your competition for your own benefit. Learn how to create and expand abundance instead of starving success through hoarding and scarcity. Find more info about rob or book him for your next event at his website:

Dr. Paul takes Live On Purpose Radio on the road this week to his amazing guest Kevin Hall. Kevin, author of the book Aspire and master of words, discusses with Dr. Paul the true nature and power of some key words that when correctly understood and applied can raise you to a greater level of success. Learn more about Kevin and his message or connect with him through his website here at

In this chilling episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by adventurer, author, and motivational speaker Aaron Linsdau. Aaron, author of the book Antarctic Tears, successfully completed a solo trek from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole, making his way into a very exclusive group of only two Americans in history to ever have done so. In this interview with Dr. Paul, Aaron and Paul discuss the principles and key habits that made accomplishing this incredible feat, as well as accomplishing any goals/dreams you as the listener may have, attainable. The answer may surprise you. Connect further with Aaron on his website at

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul reconnects with an old high school classmate, Jeff Olsen. Jeff endured a tragic car accident many years ago leaving him maimed and  his wife and youngest son dead. In that experience and in the moments following Jeff had some incredible experiences and took home several life-changing lessons that he shares here with you listeners. Learn more about Jeff and get access to his book at his website:

Dr. Paul is joined by yet another exciting guest in this episode of Live On Purpose Radio. Stephen Palmer is an author of several powerful books as well as the manifesto for Statue of Responsibility. (check out episode ‘Sculpting Responsibility‘ for more details) Join in on the conversation listen carefully for a special treat from Stephen exclusively for Live On Purpose Radio listeners. Visit for more info about how to connect with Stephen.

In this episode of Live On Purpose radio, Dr. Paul is joined by success expert and mentor Michelle McCullough as they discuss how you can turn your dreams into reality. Listen to this energetic, powerfully packed episode to learn key principles and actions that will lead you to success. Connect with Michelle on her site here.

Many of the important steps we take in life involve a process with gatekeepers. Whether it’s getting to an important job interview, or simply needing help at customer service, having the skills to effectively influence your way through life’s gatekeepers is a valuable skill. Join the conversation as Dr. Paul and his guest EksAyn Anderson discuss how to develop these skills. Connect with and learn more about Eks on his website here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul Jenkins is joined by professional mentor, author, and speaker Kris Barney. Tune in to hear Kris and Dr. Paul discuss the principles of prosperity and success that can empower anyone to make all things possible. Connect with Kris on her website here. Get access to the episode with Dr. Paul here.

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by Dr. Bruce Jackson. Join in on the conversation as Dr. Paul and Dr. Jackson discuss the key to finding and reaching your purpose. Gain a better understanding of how you can identify and conquer that ‘one thing’ that holds you back from reaching your purpose. Learn more about Dr. Bruce Jackson and connect with him on his website at Check out Dr. Jackson’s book for more tools like these here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by the well-known and accomplished Dan Clark. Dan is a New York Times best selling author, professional motivator, and one of the world’s greatest speakers. Throughout his career Dan has built and lived the life he loves, on purpose, by teaching his listeners about the Art of Significance. He joins us today to share these same principles with you. Check out more about Dan on his website here.

In this episode of Life On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by the young and very successful Ty Bennett. Ty started a direct sales company with his brother in his early twenties which quickly grew to over $20 million in annual revenue while he was still in his twenties. He now reaches out through speaking to spread his success and teach people how the Power of Influence can help them build their message and business to become successful. Check out more about Ty here.

For this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio we have a special treat. A while back Dr. Paul and his lovely wife Vicki were guests on Dino Watt’s show, the Business of Marriage and were interviewed about how to create a successful marriage. Tune in to see how you might also find better ways to have a successful and fulfilling marriage. Click here to see the original show and listen to more of the Business of Marriage.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by one of the nations most powerful speakers and trainers of professional speaking–Diane Diresta. Diane has been successfully helping clients overcome the fear of speaking for years and is now here at Live On Purpose to share her skills with YOU. Get connected with Diane through her website here.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio Chief Inspirational Officer Jacqueline Deschamps joins Dr. Paul to discuss how to instinctively be yourself. Learn how to simplify your search for success by applying these powerful principles. Connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn here.

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews Ken Gallacher, Author and Professional Speaker, about how to blow past the barrier of doubt. Ken shows listeners how to Live On Purpose by unlocking some of the keys to success. Join in on this episode to see how Passion, Ambition, and Meaning can propel you past all doubts, and maximize your success.

In this episode Dr. Paul interviews a likely very familiar voice. See if you recognize her voice as we learn about how to get direction in life from the queen of directions: Karen Jacobsen.

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews Dr. Brandon Kelly, author of The Distinctive Watermark Principles. When life serves up challenges and obstacles, our success depends on applying correct principles and moving forward no matter what. Brandon shares how to face it, pace it, and ace it. Visit Brandon at and use the code “DrJ10” for a 10% break on his products and services just for Live On Purpose Radio listeners. Thank you Brandon!

In this show Dr. Paul sits down with Tom Dickson to talk about success, productivity, and positivity.  Check out Will it Blend? to see what Blendtec blenders can blend!