In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul interviews international best-selling author and leadership expert, Mark Sanborn. Mark wrote The Fred Factor which contains four key principles for turning the ordinary in your life into the extraordinary. This is an episode you won’t want to miss.

In this episode of Live on Purpose Radio Dr. Paul talks with entrepreneur Jon Farris about the mental aspects of money.  Three practical exercises are recommended to help you shift your paradigm about money.

Find out more about what Jon is doing at

Dr. Paul interviews young entrepreneur Jeff Fabian about people being the true assets.  Live On Purpose by collecting a powerful portfolio of people.

In this episode of the Live on Purpose Radio podcast Dr. Paul interviews David and Gerri Hinton about their company Abundant Reading Systems. They give some of the basic tools for reading more effectively so that you can read more books that will help you to live on purpose.

To find more information about upcoming events with Abundant Reading Systems click here.

An important aspect of living on purpose is being unified with your spouse.  In this episode of Live on Purpose, Dr. Paul visits with The Prosperity Coach Cynthia Clements about ten keys to assist couples in getting on the same page financially.

You can reach Cynthia by E-mail through [email protected] or by calling Heather at (801) 655-5450.

Dr. Paul interviews relationship expert and long time colleague Dr. Jason Adams about prioritizing relationships as a way to live on purpose.  Busy executives sometimes allow career to consume their time and energy at the expense of their family.  This episode of Live on Purpose gives some tools for rescuing and enhancing those key relationships.

You can contact Dr. Adams through his E-mail address at [email protected] or at

Dr. Paul and CreationTree Legacy Coach, Darren Johansen, discuss facing your giants. Opposition in life opens the door to opportunity. Understanding this dynamic helps you to live on purpose.

Dr. Paul interviews attorney Will Rodgers about becoming better men, which is also the title of an upcoming book.  Will shares some of his difficult past, and discussion turns to how life circumstances are not the determining factor for prosperity and happiness in life.

Dr. Paul visits with Shaye Larsen, founder and CEO of Prosperity Idea International, about the value of ideas and the power of giving as a form of marketing.  You can contact Shaye through

Adrian Marinovich joins Dr. Paul on this episode of Live On Purpose. Adrian is a lawyer-psychotherapist based in Los Angeles who recently completed a nearly 10,000 mile journey around the country interviewing so-called “ordinary” people about extraordinary things in their life for an upcoming documentary movie called “A Hero On Every Block.” You can learn more about Adrian and this documentary at .

Dr. Paul discusses the process of discovering you soul purpose with Steve D’Annunzio, author of The Prosperity Paradigm. Learn more about Steve and receive a phenomenal gift during his book launch by visiting online.

Live On Purpose favorite, Kirk Weisler, joins Dr. Paul for a return appearance by popular request.

Death is something we all get to face.  As we understand death, our level of fear and anxiety will diminish and allow us to live more fully.  In this episode, Dr. Paul is joined by CreationTree legacy coach Darren Johansen and Funeral Director/Embalmer Shawn Warenski.  You can learn more about Shawn at  We also recommend the PBS Frontline production, “The Undertaking” which can be viewed at

In this episode, Dr. Paul interviews Amanda Dickson, KSL morning news radio host, about her new book, Wake Up To A Happier Life.  Discussion includes choosing happiness, letting go of what’s not working, and practicing cheerfulness.  You can get Amanda’s book through .

High Performance Coach Jon Skidmore, Psy.D., joins Dr. Paul to discuss the five stages of peak performance.  Contact Jon Skidmore at (801)-426-2685.

Dr. Paul’s guest on this episode is Kirk Weisler, author of The Dog Poop Initiative, and The Cookie Thief. Dr. Paul and Kirk discuss the power and importance of stories and language to create a positive culture. Learn more about Kirk at his website;, where you can also purchase his delightful books.

Dr. Paul and Darren Johansen discuss the myths about security and give tools to multiply freedom.

Dr. Paul and CreationTree Coach Ross Moore introduce the Creation Continuum, the choice between two determinant paradigms. Your choice will absolutely determine your experience in life.