Feisty, Fearless, Focused, and Fun

Pegine Echevarria joins Dr. Paul in this week’s episode of Live On Purpose Radio to discuss how to better be the authentic you and to be feisty, fearless, focused, and have fun! This week introduces…

On Location at NSA

This week Live On Purpose Radio hits the road and ends up in Washington DC at the National Speakers Association convention! In this episode dr. Paul brings you not one, but two inspiring guests –…

Somehow I Thought I’d Be Taller

Jeff Vanek is this week’s guest on Live On Purpose Radio. In this episode, Jeff and Dr. Paul discuss the principles of self-improvement and accomplishment. Learn how to grow taller, whether it be personally, financially, spiritually…

Light Beyond Loss

Kathy Loveless, professional speaker and consultant, is today’s guest on Live On Purpose Radio. Tune in to hear about which key principles can help you overcome any trial to continuously live a happy life on purpose….

Aging or Ageless

In this Episode of Live On Purpose Dr. Paul is joined by a truly inspiring and amazing guest – Ron Zeller. Over the years Ron has overcome seemingly insurmountable hurdles as he has made the…

South Pole Epic

In this episode of Live On Purpose Radio, Dr. Paul is joined by an epically inspirational guest, Daniel Burton. Dan, owner of Epic Biking, is the only man to have successfully biked from the Hercules…